a fucking banger for sure
a fucking banger for sure
"Nice but biggining sounds like wet farts lol"
tbh this wet bubbly synth works really well so i will give the highest possible rating for this track; kicks and snares sound pleasant and coherent
я не знаю, что означает "сухо" или "суховато" (коммменты g2961 и kveion'a), может я тупой просто?
как по мне хорошо это все звучит, дропы качают так нормально, я бы может каких-нибудь хэтов еще добавил на дропы или других перкуссий чтобы "полноту звучания" (если так можно выразиться) увеличить слегка, но и итоговый результат радует ушки мои, так что вот выдаю тебе 5 звездочек и нажимаю на это сердечко сверху справа
both of you guys produce hella good music
Thank you wineplume! Your music is really good as well, I like the more experimental tracks, you have a unique sound.
смена тональности в конце такая классная, мне и трек и арт зашел, умница, молодина, молоток, держи 5 звездочетов из 5 возможных звездочетов (звезды превращаю в звездочетов, зачем я это делаю...)
Ха-ха, спасибо большое! Да пусть будут звездочёты, так даже лучше
"the book shelf" is a massive album of yours... would give the full album a listen later; this particular track sounds really good by the way, awesome cinematic audio work, got me feeling like i am floating in another dimension of some kind
Thank you. The bookshelf isn't so much an album but well, a literal bookshelf, where I put all my tunes that don't belong to a specific album. There's a mess of different stuff in there. Some of it neat, some of it cringe IMO. If there's a particular style of music you are interested in, I'd always be happy to point you towards any appropriate albums I have (if any). Just give me a PM if you wish.
this goes so hard it sent me to outer space really quickly, very nice work, i like how punchy it gets; nice vocals too
never listened to 80's brazilian funk but this sounds kind of interesting
edit: tysm!
It used to play a lot of miami bass on the brazilian parties. But it changed around the 90's.
It all started around here, here's a playlist recommendation for you to draw inspiration from sometime:
хорошо эта смерть звучит
discord/telegram user - @wineplume, feel free to contact me there as well if you feel like doing it.
Age 19
Earth, GMT +3
Joined on 11/19/23