@wineplume I did 'find-out' by myself by clicking on the link and watching what it did 'contain', so there wasn't any 'need' from your part to 'confirm' me anything... but still, thank you.
Also, do you really think that it's that obvious? Because as far as I'm 'aware', there are actually a lot of videos that contain the mentioned Rick Astley's song but with other link, making it harder to 'distinguish' between what's a rick-roll and what's not it.
I thought for a moment that you did post a 'rick-roll'. Phew. I feel relieved to know that I was 'wrong'.
wineplume (Updated )
rickroll is pretty obvious when you post a link to the original video, i can assure you that the link i provided is definitely not a link on a certain rick astley's song xd